Tuesday, 15 May 2012



Dictionary for previous post.

1. Growth retardation - height gain slows and can stop completely with severe weight loss. Growth in height can commence a few months after weight restoration.

2. Pubertal delay or arrest - both height gain and pubertal development are dependent on the release of growth hormone and gonadotrophins (LH and FSH) from the pituitary gland. Suppression of gonadotrophins in patients with anorexia nervosa has been frequently documented.

3. Reduction of Peak Bone Mass - bone accretion is the highest during adolescence, and if onset of anorexia nervosa occurs during this time and stalls puberty, bone mass may remain low

4. Hepatic steatosis - fatty infiltration of the liver.

Follow these steps to stay healthy!

1. Eat healthily. By eating healthy foods and not over indulging in unhealthy foods such as fast food, chocolates and sweets. Remember to eat 2 servings of  fruit and vegetables every day!
2. Exercise! By exercising regularly, you reduce the amount of unwanted fats in your body, which if kept and stored for too long can clog your arteries and in extreme cases can lead to cardiac arrest! Also, you will look great if you exercise!
3. Do not turn to starving yourself or throwing up if you feel full. Anorexia and bulimia can lead to many small diseases such as Growth retardation and many more dangerous ones that can be fatal such as   Pubertal delay or arrest, Reduction of Peak Bone Mass and Hepatic steatosis. (The meanings of each of these will be in the next post)
4. Eat just enough to make you feel sated. Not too full and not too hungry.
By following these steps, you will definitely lead a healthy and happy life :D

Follow this pyramid to stay healthy! Eat the least of the foods on top and the most of the foods on the bottom.

How to eat healthily!

Healthy eating is not about strict nutrition philosophies, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it’s about feeling great, having more energy, stabilizing your mood, and keeping yourself as healthy as possible– all of which can be achieved by learning some nutrition basics and using them in a way that works for you. You can expand your range of healthy food choices and learn how to plan ahead to create and maintain a tasty, healthy diet.
Instead of being overly concerned with counting calories or measuring portion sizes, think of your diet in terms of color, variety, and freshness. This way it should be easier to make healthy choices. Focus on finding foods you love and easy recipes that incorporate a few fresh ingredients. Gradually, your diet will become healthier and more delicious.
You don’t have to be perfect and you don’t have to completely eliminate foods you enjoy to have a healthy diet. The long term goal is to feel good, have more energy, and reduce the risk of cancer and disease. Don’t let your missteps derail you—every healthy food choice you make counts.
Remember, by eating healthily, you will live happily!



Sunday, 13 May 2012

What You SHOULD Eat!

What you should eat:

1. Carbohydrate

2. Protein

3. Fat

4. Vitamins and Minerals

5. Calcium

6. Water

What You SHOULD NOT Eat!

You have to avoid eating these:

Beguiling and Healthy Diet for Kids

Reduce the fat intake rather than the total amount of food eaten. In this way, it reduces calories without making your child feel overly hungry. 

Educate The Youngsters About Balanced Diet

In Singapore, Ministry of Health not only ordered plump children to exercise more to lose weight, but much deeper than that, they also educate youngsters from early childhood about  healthy diet.

Students exercising

The Food Pyramid

Overweight Teens

Eat and watch TV all day long, without exercising.

Look at the poor kid sitting behind her... :(

Two overweight teens walking.

The Children in our Generation

Children of the Net Generation today (the so-called N-Geners, roughly younger than 20-22 years old) are brought up on a diet of processed food, television, super-realistic video games and internet-based social networking.

This growing-up pattern is characterised by unbalanced-diet and lack of physical exercise. The most common sight of this phenomenon now is overweight N-Geners. Later in mature adulthood this phenomenon could result in N-Geners suffering from diet-related diseases like cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure etc. The health care cost will consequently be balooning in the next future and become a huge financial burden for the society.

Hence, it is best to fight the unhealthy diet since young. In Singapore, Ministry of Health not only ordered plump children to exercise more to lose weight, but much deeper than that, they also educate youngsters  about  healthy diet.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Healthy and Happy


                                             "Yay! It's recess time!" Moya exclaimed enthusiastically.

                             It was PE lesson and the students were running to warm up.

                                                                 Suddenly, Kivia fainted! 

                                    And Jonessa remembered how Kivia had refused to eat anything for recess or even                                      go down for recess when she had asked her about it.

                            Seeing this, Annushiyaa became very worried for Kivia. "Kivia, I hope you have learnt your lesson. From now on, you should always have healthy snacks in between your meals. Also, you should make sure that your meals are well-balanced and give you a lot of energy!" she adviced.

                       Then, Shreya taught her the importance of following the food pyramid.
                                   After learning about that, Kivia began to eat healthily and all of the 5 children played games happily to keep in shape! 

                         Remember everyone, with a proper and healthy diet and regular exercise, everyone can be                                    
                                                      HEALTHY & HAPPY!!!   =)

Sunday, 29 April 2012